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Vipassana Meditation + Social Dhamma classes
Julian Robinson
Meditation Classes Vipassana meditation classes will be held every Tuesday evening from 6-7 pm, followed by a facilitated mindful group discussion from 7-8 pm. You may choose to come only for the meditation or stay for both.
Vipassana means ‘to see things as they really are’. It involves settling into a state of continuous present moment awareness, and learning to sense and release everything that stands in the way of a direct experiential knowing of who we really are. It is a process of deep letting go and surrender to the underlying Truth beyond all appearances.
These classes are suitable for beginners and seasoned meditators alike. They will include basic meditation guidance together with additional guidance each week to deepen the practice in different ways. The discussions that follow are an exercise in mindful communication. They provide a wonderful opportunity to connect with other like-minded people and support each other in applying meditation in daily life, with all the benefits that accrue.
About Julian
Julian Robinson is a conscious community consultant and facilitator. Julian has a background in mindfulness meditation, men & family relationships counselling, counsellor training, social research and community development, and is the creator of Social Dhamma, a system for using mindfulness and personal development skills in conscious community building. The mission of Social Dhamma is to co-create the community foundations of a more enlightened society, which some are calling New Earth. To this end, Julian facilitates various workshops, programs and retreats for new or existing community groups, to cultivate social self-awareness, enhance communication, enrich relationships and empower spiritually aligned social action.
Julian discovered vipassana meditation and mindfulness practice in the midst of an existential crisis while travelling in Europe and India in 1990. Recognizing that he did not know how to live a fulfilling life and cultivate lasting happiness, he found answers in the practice of silent stillness and the experiential observation of the subtle workings of his own subconscious mind. Since that time, he has studied and practiced meditation with S.N.Goenka, Ajahn Brahm and Sayadaw U Tejaniya, alternating between living and practicing in retreat centres & monasteries, and applying it in daily life and work. Julian began teaching meditation in 2014 and is passionate about supporting others in systematically cultivating heightened states of self-awareness and applying it in their lives.
Groups sessions & private session available.
Location : Mount Tamborine, Brisbane, Gold coast, Northern rivers & online.
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